More services
Australian Property Valuations provides professional and confidential advice on all types of property assets. Our national expertise means we can provide clients with the best possible property solutions.
We specialise in range of services:
- Residential
- Commercial
- Industrial
- Child Care
- Self Storage Facilities
- Student Accomodation
- Management Rights
- Service Stations
- Rural Property
- Shopping Centres
- Rental Determination
- Tourism + Leisure
- Stamp Duty
- GST/ Margin Scheme Purposes
- Deceased Estate
- Matrimonial Law
- Family Law
- Rental Assessments
- Pre-Sale / Pre-Purchase Assessments
- Capital gains and tax calculations
- Valuations for life interest in property holdings
- Asset valuation for balance sheet portfolios
- Advice to vendors and purchasers on property transactions
- Expert reports on property transactions
- Reports for Arbitrations and determinations
- Calculations for just compensations after compulsory acquisition
- Advice to mortgagees in possession
- Retail consultancy and negotiation in lease

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Our clients come to us because they need expert advice. We offer them most highly skilled independent property valuation and property consultancy.
Our property valuers draw upon years of experience and knowledge, to give our clients a real edge in their property decisions.
Our team includes specialists from a variety of markets across New South Wales. We deliver to our clients advice that suits their local market.